Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Details for Mechanism ID: 12594
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2013
Main Partner: ICF International
Main Partner Program: ICF Macro
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $5,000

CDC will also provide focused M&E system strengthening technical assistance for the 12 countries under the Caribbean Regional Office. The activities will include review and improvement of current systems for program level data collection, analysis, reporting and use. These activities will be complemented by regional-level cooperative agreement with CHRC to implement strategies for M&E capacity building and development of standardized guidelines for monitoring and evaluation for the region.

This Implementing Mechanism will make a direct contribution to the development of health systems in the 12 PF Focus Countries, adding value to the collection of HIV/AIDS data, and the integration of health information needs for HIV/AIDS with routine data collection and reporting on other communicable and non-communicable diseases within the wider health sector.

This Implementing Mechanism also includes funding allocations for routine monitoring under the PFIP, including monitoring of Inter-Agency progress towards PF Goals, Objectives, and targets for the overall Partnership Framework, and completion of mid-term and end-of-project evaluations.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $5,000

CDC will be undertaking M&E training and technical assistance activities to assist PF countries in strengthening M&E systems performance. The technical assistance will involve: a) Completion of M&E system assessments to identify current needs and gaps in collection, analysis, use, and dissemination of reliable program data. Emphasis will be placed on collaboration with partner countries to review current M&E approaches and further streamlining data collection reporting processes to improve the quality, timeliness, and accuracy of program-level data, and build a culture for routine data use and analysis.

M&E Technical Assistance and Training activities will include on-the-job training, mentorship, and supportive supervision for the development of sustainable, country-led M&E systems. These activities will be undertaken in support of Goal 2 of the USG Caribbean Partnership Framework on Strategic Information.

This Implementing Mechanism will focus on all 12 countries (Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, and Suriname) under the Caribbean Regional Office; provision of CDC TA will be carried out by way of a phased in approach where by each year a number of countries will be selected for special attention based on agreed upon criteria such as readiness, burden of the disease, political support etc.

This Implementing Mechanism was developed in response to requests for direct technical assistance and training in Monitoring and Evaluation by a large number of the PF Focus Countries, with an emphasis on increasing the number of staff at all levels within the National Program (including multisectoral partners and community-based organizations working with MARP and PEHRB sub-populations) who are equipped to perform routine M&E functions. A country-focused technical support and capacity building strategy will be tailored to specific country needs.

TA and Training activities under this Implementing Mechanism have been designed to complement M&E capacity building activities under the CDC Cooperative Agreement with the Caribbean Health Research Council. CDC will also work in close collaboration with USAID and MEASURE/Evaluation as part of this Implementing mechanism.

Outputs and outcomes from country-level M&E Technical Assistance and Training measured through SAPR reporting, as well as the completion of special studies to ascertain improvements in M&E system performance.

This Implementing Mechanism also includes funding allocations for routine monitoring under the PFIP, including monitoring of Inter-Agency progress towards PF Goals, Objectives, and targets for the overall Partnership Framework, and completion of mid-term and end-of-project evaluations.

Subpartners Total: $0
ICF International: NA